Learning Outcome 2

3.0: Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge to support the project

3.1: Project execution phase:
  • Selecting appropriate methods of information gathering, data collection and material resourcing.
3.1.1: The 1st method for information gathering, data collection and material resourcing is PR (Primary Research) i.e. Survey Monkey. 

Example questions: (Click) hyperlinked - Gender Pay Gap Survey (2019):
  1. When does the gender pay gap reporting duty come into force? 
  2. Other than consent, what legal grounds will there be for processing personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)? 
  3. Does an employee made redundant while on maternity leave have any special rights? 
  4. What is the living wage used by the Living Wage Foundation and how is it calculated? 
  5. Do grandparents have any right to paid or unpaid leave to spend time with their grandchildren? 
  6. Do employers need to amend employees’ contracts to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)? 
  7. Can an employer terminate the contract of an employee on maternity leave? 
  8. What data subject access rights will employees have under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)? 
  9. Do employers have to publish an explanation of their gender pay gap figures? 
  10. Does an employer have to pay holiday pay to its casual workers?

3.1.2: The 2nd method for information gathering, data collection and material resourcing is SR (Secondary Research) i.e. information / data to support PR questions:

Image UK Wage Rates (2019) - supporting Q4. PR

Image supporting Q9. PR

Image supporting Q10. PR

3.1.3: The 3rd method for information gathering, data collection and material resourcing is TR (Tertiary  Research) i.e. information / data to support PR & SR via case studies or interview (Videos)

Real Cost of living in london

3.1.4: Qualitative and quantitative research methods. 

                        Research Tools and Techniques
           Table 9: Qualitative data collection tools

3.2: Field work:
  • Selecting a sample of the consumer market, businesses or individuals (those who meet certain characteristics relevant to the research theme) is used to gather data (qualitative or quantitative).
  • Sampling approaches and techniques, including probability and non-probability sampling.
3.3: Ethics, reliability and validity:
  • All research should be conducted ethically − how is this achieved and reported?
  • Research should also be reliable (similar results achieved from a similar sample) and valid (the research should measure what it aimed to measure).
  • Using data collection tools such as interviews and questionnaires.
  • Using analytical techniques such as trend analysis, coding or typologies.

What is triangulation of data in qualitative research? 

Is it a method of validating the information collected through various methods?

Triangulation means using more than one method to collect data on the
same topic. This is a way of assuring the validity of research through
the use of a variety of methods to collect data on the same topic, which
involves different types of samples as well as methods of data collection.
However, the purpose of triangulation is not necessarily to cross-validate
data but rather to capture different dimensions of the same phenomenon.

LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge to support the project
  • P4 Carry out small-scale research applying primary and secondary methods appropriate for meeting project aims and objectives.
  • M2 Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of primary and secondary methods applied.
LO1 and LO2 
  • D1 Critically evaluate the project management process and methods applied for gathering information and data collection